yassar — (Qax, Mingəçevir, Salyan, Şəmkir, Şuşa, Tərtər, Zaqatala) bax yasar. – Yassar adam iş bajarmaz (Tərtər); – İsrəfil yassar adamdı (Salyan) … Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti
yassar — sif. və is. məh. 1. Bacarıqsız, fərasətsiz, əlindən iş gəlməyən, fərsiz. <Zalxa:> . . Hamı heyifsilənirlər ki, Tarverdi necə gözəl oğlandır, heç tayı yoxdur, amma çifayda qorxaqdır, yassardır. M. F. A.. <Əbdürrəhman bəy:> Qorxma… … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
Yassar — n. male first name (Arabic) … English contemporary dictionary
Yassar Arafat — (1929 2004) chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, president of the Palestinian Authority, one of the founders of the Fatah movement … English contemporary dictionary
Farrukh Yassar — Shirvanshah of Shirvan (1465 1500). In 1488 Shaykh Haydar of Safavids moved through Shirvan towards Derbend, supposedly to wage jihad against Circassians, but instead laid siege to Derbent. Farrukh Yassar was not able to mount defense and asked… … Wikipedia
Schirwanschah — Die Kaukasus Region um 1090 n. Chr. Palast Mausoleum in Baku, 15. Jh … Deutsch Wikipedia
Al-Hassan al-Basrî — (arabe : الحسن البصري), de son vrai nom Abu Sa îd al Hassan ibn Abi al Hassan Yassar al Basrî, est né en 642 à Médine sous le califat de Omar ibn al Khattab[1]. Ses parents étaient d origine perse[2],[3 … Wikipédia en Français
Tabi‘un — Les Tābi‘ūn (suiveurs) (arabe : التابعون) sont la génération de musulmans qui ont connu ses compagnons de Mahomet mais qui n ont pas connu Mahomet lui même. Ils ont joué un rôle important dans le développement de la pensée islamique, la… … Wikipédia en Français
Palestinian National Covenant — Palestinian National Authority This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the Palestinian National Authority A … Wikipedia
Violence in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict 2003 — Note: This compilation includes only those attacks that resulted in casualties. Numerous other attacks which failed to murder, maim, or wound are not included. Palestinians Deaths vs Israeli Death. September 28, 2000 February 15, 2006 [Total… … Wikipedia